Admissions / Army ROTC

Army ROTC Early Commissioning Program (ECP)

The U.S. Army ROTC Early Commissioning Program (ECP) allows graduates of one of the nation’s four Military Junior Colleges (MJC) to become commissioned officers in the reserve components (National Guard or Reserve) in two years, instead of the usual four. NMMI is honored to be one of these prestigious schools. All Cadets planning to join the Army ROTC Early Commissioning Program (not already in an enlistment contract) are required to attend Basic Camp as a prerequisite for this program.

For more information about ARMY ROTC click below:

army rotc ecp

About the Program

The New Mexico Military Institute’s (NMMI) Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) Early Commissioning Program (ECP) is the ‘fast-track’ route to becoming a commissioned officer in the U.S. Army in just two years, instead of four. This unique program is offered exclusively at Military Junior Colleges (MJC), with NMMI nationally ranked at the top of the list!


LTC Ryan Eisenhauer

LTC Ryan Eisenhauer

Professor of Military Science


MSG Gerald Diaz

MSG Gerald Diaz

Senior Military Instructor


Jason Garcia

Jason Garcia

ROTC Recruiting Operations Officer


army rotc ecp

Student Stories

“The SROTC program here at NMMI has impacted me very much. It made me grow so much and it changed me to become a stronger, confident, determined, motivated and ambitious leader. The program has not only impacted me, it has made me a whole person that is ready to serve as an officer for a force I stand strong and firm in.”

“No leader sets out to be a leader. People set out to live their lives – expressing themselves fully. When that expression is of value, they become a leader.”

army rotc ecp

Army ROTC Cadet Life

Join other cadets on a mission to serve our country as NMMI prepares you through academics, training, and hands-on experience. Together, you’ll learn what it takes to be a leader.

I am an Army Cadet. Soon I will take an oath and become an Army Officer committed to defending the values which make this nation great. Honor is my touchstone. I understand mission first and people always.

I am the past – the spirit of those warriors who have made the final sacrifice.

I am the present – the scholar and apprentice soldier enhancing my skills in the science of warfare and the art of leadership.

But above all, I am the future – the future warrior leader of the United States Army. May God give me the compassion and judgment to lead and the gallantry in battle to win.

I will do my duty.

I, (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.

I, (state your name), having been appointed an officer in the Army of the United States, as indicated above in the grade of Second Lieutenant, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of The United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which I am about to enter. So help me God.

I will give to the selfless performance of my duty and my mission the best that effort, thought, and dedication can provide. To this end, I will not only seek continually to improve my knowledge and practice of my profession, but also I will exercise the authority entrusted to me by the President and the Congress with fairness, justice, patience, and restraint, respecting the dignity and human rights of others and devoting myself to the welfare of those place under my command. In justifying and fulfilling the trust placed in me, I will conduct my private life as well as my public service so as to be free both from impropriety and the appearance of impropriety, acting with candor and integrity to earn the unquestioning trust of my fellow soldiers — juniors, senior, and associates — and employing my rank and position not to serve myself but to serve my country and my unit. By practicing physical and moral courage I will endeavor to inspire these qualities in other by my example. In all my actions I will put loyalty to the highest moral principles and the United States of America above loyalty to organizations, persons, and my personal interest.


A Military Junior College (MJC) allows Cadets to become commissioned Officers in two years, instead of the usual four, through the ROTC/Early Commissioning Program. The new Second Lieutenants must complete a Bachelor’s degree within three years.  The program has major financial incentives for students who receive their commissions early and serve as Officers while still attending college and gaining service time for promotions and retirement.

No…All Army ROTC scholarships are either allocated to cover full tuition or can be used to pay for room and board.  At NMMI we almost always allocate the Army ROTC 2-year scholarship towards room and board because there are other types of financial incentives to help pay for the other costs.  All ROTC Cadets at NMMI are automatically coded at the in-state tuition rates.  If you are awarded an ROTC scholarship at NMMI you must join the Simultaneous Membership Program (SMP).  Most of our Cadets SMP with the New Mexico Army National Guard so that they can use the NM Opportunity Scholarship to pay their tuition.  It is important that all Cadets complete the FAFSA because the NMMI Financial Aid office manages many other types of scholarships that can be used in conjunction with the ROTC scholarship.  Also, keep in mind that once you have signed the ROTC contract, the Cadet will make an additional monthly stipend of $420 per month.

– The scholarship is a room and board scholarship, this pays $5,000 per semester, goes directly into your checking account.

– You will also receive $600 per semester for books, goes directly into your checking account.

– You will receive a uniform allowance of approximately $1,000 to help cover the cost of NMMI uniforms, goes directly into your checking account.

– You will receive a monthly ROTC stipend of $420 per month, goes directly into your checking account.

– You are in ROTC you are automatically coded at the in-state tuition rates but you will be required to SMP, most of our Cadets join the NMARNG so they can utilize the tuition assistance. Once you are in the SMP you will make an additional ~$200/month.

– NMMI will be giving you an incentive for being in ROTC, this is $1,000 for the first semester and $1,000 for the second semester after you sign your ROTC contract.

– There is a high probability you will receive additional scholarship monies through the NMMI Financial Aid office (you must complete the FAFSA).

After NMMI you will automatically be eligible to use the Education Assistance Program (EAP) that will help you pay for your last two years of your bachelor’s degree. This will be used to pay for your room and board while your NG tuition assistance should cover your tuition.

With all of these financial incentives your education should be paid for and you can save your GI Bill to use later, either to complete your bachelor’s degree or to pay for your master’s degree.

The most important thing to remember is that all ROTC money is contingent on you signing the ROTC contract once you get to NMMI.  This means you will need to have the following things completed as soon as you can once you get to campus:

– MEPs physical less than 1 year old or pass the DODMERB physical (this is usually the longest wait time).

– Pass the Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT), and meet Army height/weight standards for your age and gender.

– Complete all ROTC paperwork.

– Attend basic camp at Fort Knox, Kentucky the summer before you start ROTC at NMMI

See more details in the ROTC Handbook at

Graduates of a Military Junior College (MJC) will graduate with an associate’s degree and a commission in the U.S. Army.

These Soldiers will continue on at a 4-year school of their choice to complete a baccalaureate degree within 36 months but without any other ROTC benefits except for Educational Assistance Program (EAP). The EAP will pay either full tuition and fees or flat rate of $10,000 for room and board for up to 24 months. Acceptance of EAP will add one Additional Military Service Obligation (ADSO) for each year or partial year EAP is used. Upon commission, the MJC lieutenants will be required to select and join a unit in one of the Reserve Components in a drilling status, attending battle assemblies and annual training while working on their 4-year baccalaureate degree.

All commissioned officers have a service obligation of 8 years from the time of commissioning. This means that once you graduate from NMMI you will start working off the time you owe to the Army while you are completing your bachelor’s degree.  During this time you will be assigned to an Army Reserve or an Army National Guard unit in a non-deployable status.  You will serve one weekend a month and approximately two weeks in the summer while you are completing your degree.

Upon graduation and commissioning from NMMI the new lieutenant must transfer to a four-year baccalaureate degree granting institution, which offers Army ROTC. You will be given up to 36 months to complete your degree requirements. During your delay, the PMS at the 4-year school will exercise administrative control over you and monitor your physical fitness, maintenance of weight standard, personal conduct and academic progress.  This PMS will also assist the lieutenant with their accessions packet.

During your senior year you will put an accessions packet together which is basically your “wish list”.  This will allow you to request consideration for active duty selection (if desired) or you can elect to stay in the Reserve Component.  You will also have the option to request your branch preferences and your duty location if you are requesting active duty.  If you accepted an ROTC scholarship through the ECP you will be assigned a control number.  This control number basically obligates you to the Reserve Component for the duration of your 8 year commitment to the Army. However, for Cadets who want to compete for active duty the Cadet can request to have this control number revoked to allow for a chance to compete for active duty selection during the accessions process.

Yes, you can enlist in either the National Guard or Army Reserve before coming to NMMI.  Once you complete basic training and AIT you can join the ROTC program at NMMI.  It is important that you discuss your plan with either your recruiter or the chain of command in the unit you are assigned so we can make sure everyone in on the same page and understands what you plan to do.  This will alleviate any administrative or pay issues.  If you plan to enlist before coming to NMMI it is important that you apply and get accepted to NMMI Admissions and complete the ROTC paperwork before you leave for basic training.  You can contact the Recruiting Operations Officer at (575)624-8292 or

Army ROTC Basic Camp is a 32-day training event designed to introduce Cadets to the Army. The objective is to develop Cadet leadership skills, train them on individual and junior leader tasks, develop and reinforce the Warrior Ethos, and our Army Values. Basic Camp provides the critical thinking skills necessary to succeed in ROTC, and the Army. Cadets graduate Basic Camp prepared to lead at the team, 3-4 Cadets, and squad, 9-13 Cadets, level.

Basic Camp’s primary target audience are Lateral Entry Cadets and freshman Cadets in the two-year early commissioning program (ECP). Lateral Entry Cadets typically decide to join ROTC in their sophomore year of college. They attend Basic Camp to learn what normal-progression Cadets learned in their first two years of military science (MS) classes. Basic Camp allows MS II Cadets to gain squad leader experience providing opportunities for some MS III (rising senior) Cadets to fulfill roles as platoon-level leaders. Basic Camp consists of nearly three regiments composed of approximately 1,200 Cadets.

Cadets are taught to conduct troop leading procedures (TLPs) to plan and execute tactical missions at the squad level. As Cadets gain experience and confidence through the training, they apply lessons learned from the after-action review (AAR) process.

No, Cadets who belong to the New Mexico Army National Guard while they are attending NMMI are not “locked” into staying in New Mexico once they graduate from NMMI.  As a Cadet prepares to graduate from NMMI and commission as a new lieutenant, they are responsible to gain acceptance to their follow-on school as well as find a unit close to where they will be going to school.  A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is required to be signed by the NMMI PMS, the gaining PMS and the new unit commander.  Many NMMI Cadets transfer to other states (either to another state National Guard or into the Army Reserve) to complete their bachelor’s degree, although there are excellent opportunities for those lieutenants who do stay in NM as part of the NMARNG.

Apply to NMMI online at (NMMI Admissions 1-800-531-8576).

Submit these items to Admissions for NMMI acceptance determination:

– High school transcripts: You must contact your high school and have them send an official transcript to NMMI Admissions. This official transcript must indicate that you have graduated and must reflect all semesters. A transcript that does not indicate that you have met the requirements for graduation will not be accepted. Please note that a final GPA of 2.5 is required for a scholarship. GED certificates will constitute a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale.

– NMMI Cadet Questionnaire

– NMMI Heath and Consent Form

Scan documents to or fax (575)624-8058.

The ROTC Early Commissioning Program process is separate from the NMMI Admissions Process. Use the NMMI Army ROTC Checklist to gather and complete documents required to reserve your seat for Basic Camp and ROTC scholarship consideration:

Read the NMMI Army ROTC/ECP Handbook at

The checklist and all documents required for contracting are located at

Scan all completed documents to or fax (575)625-2225).

Questions: Contact the NMMI Army ROTC/ECP Recruiting Officer (575)624-8292.

Other NMMI Points of Contact:

Admissions Department: 1-800-421-5376, Fax (575)624-8058,

Registrar/VA Representative: (575)624-8070/8071, Fax: (575)624-8073,

Army ROTC/ECP, Administrative Office: (575)624-8300/8657, Fax: (575)625-2225

NMMI National Guard SMP Liaison (575)624-8658

NMMI US Army Reserve SMP Liaison (575)624-8293

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