Academics / Academic Services

Cadet Academic Services

NMMI offers a wide variety of resources for our cadets. Typical questions on opportunities on campus, office hours, advising etc. are housed here for your support.

Toles Learning Center building

The following resources are available to NMMI cadets at no charge:

Use online resources from the Horgan Library. Receive research support through email –

The Paul Horgan Library is located in the Toles building.

Visit the library page here.


SUNDAY 1300-1700 1900-2130*
MONDAY 0630-1600 1900-2130*
TUESDAY 0630-1600 1900-2130*
WEDNESDAY 0630-1600 1900-2130*
THURSDAY 0630-1600 1900-2130*
FRIDAY 0630-1600
SATURDAY 0800-1200 † Academic Weekends Only

* Night Study Hall open to cadets only
† Academic Weekends open to cadets only


MONDAY-FRIDAY 0730-1200 1300-1530

 SAC- The Franklin Counseling and Student Assistance Center is the home to the High School Academic Counselors. SAC Counselors are advocates for cadets and directly support their social, emotional and academic development and achievement with direct interventions, services and resources.

Visit the Bronco Advising Center online or in Toles in order to connect with your assigned Junior College advisor – MAJ Marrujo, CPT Medina, or LTC Foggatt. Follow the Bronco Advising Center on Instagram @nmmijcadv for updated information, notifications, and updates.

Academy Prep Program – NMMI Academy Prep participates as a receiving school for the service academy preparatory programs and helps prepare cadets to meet the physical challenges they will face at the academies, and to give a leg up on the leadership skills needed to excel.

  • The IT Help Desk can be reached at 575-624-4357 or
  • Fill out an IT Job Request through your My NMMI page

The Toles Learning Center is home to a great deal of Academic Services to support cadets and faculty in their educational ventures. Including: the Paul Horgan Library, FYEX Classes, Bronco Advising, Peer Tutoring, NSH, ACT Prep, ACA Classes, and Reading and Writing courses. Visit our webpage for more details.

Academic Weekends are held once a month, usually before a grading period. The Library will be open from 0800-1200 on those days. Check with your instructors regarding their availability.

Faculty-Led Math Lab Faculty-led tutoring for all math subjects is available on Tuesday and Thursday from 8:15 am to 3:30 pm in Willson 113.

Faculty-Led Math/Science NHS Faculty-led tutoring is available during NSH in Willson Hall 101 (Math) and McClure Hall 103 (Science) Sunday through Thursday.

Click here to view the schedule and locations: Tutoring Schedule Fall 2023 Willson+McClure

Athlete Tutoring Assistance is managed by CPT Nikki Medina, our Athlete Academic Advisor, who works with our student-athletes to help them maintain their eligibility, progress towards graduation, determine transfer options, and help with other aspects of college life. CPT Medina can be contacted by email or by calling 575-624-8364. For more information on academic support for athletes visit the Athlete Academic Advising site. available 24/7/365 in all subjects. This service is integrated into every Cadet’s Canvas account.

Peer Tutoring: is available Monday-Friday during school hours and NSH from 1900- 2130 in Toles, room 158. Tutoring is available for all subjects, including English, Math & Science. Click here for more information.

Private Tutoring: is the only academic assistance option that is a paid service. Many of the private tutors are current or retired teachers from NMMI and local school districts and all are managed and vetted by the Franklin Counseling and Student Assistance Center (SAC) in Luna Hall. Click here for the current availability list of private tutors.

Your instructor is often the best person to ask for help with course elements, especially if you are confused about an assignment. Your instructors are available for tutoring or other assistance during their office hours. Your syllabus for each class has the instructor’s office hours and location as well as contact information. If you are able to plan ahead, send them an email to let them know you will be there – then make sure you show up!

NSH has been a part of NMMI since its very first academic year over 130 years ago. It allows students time to study, get help, work with others, or just catch up with anything academic related. They may go to the library for independent study or attend tutoring sessions. For cadets that have been flagged as needing assistance by their instructors, they are place in guided night study hall classes which provide 4-weeks of time and guidance to get back on track and necessary encouragement to correct study skills and organization.

CLEP Testing

College level examination program to earn college credit for subjects you already know. Test Coordinator: Sheldon Kimbler,

NMMI has made me stronger; when you are here you have to really work for your goals to achieve them.