Admissions / International Students / Admissions Process

Admissions Process

We’re excited you’re considering NMMI as part of your educational journey!

Use this checklist to guide you through the application process.

Submit a Free Online Application

Deadline for Spring (January) is October 30. Deadline for Fall (August) is May 30.

For consideration after posted deadlines e-mail the Global Enrollment & Marketing Director.

Submit your official transcripts

All applicants may send partial/unofficial transcripts or report cards to expedite the admissions process and then have official transcripts sent at the completion of  the current semester. Prior to enrollment, junior college applicants must have a final high school transcript showing graduation date and GPA or an acceptable high school equivalency exam and transcripts for any college work. Please have transcripts sent directly to our office:

New Mexico Military Institute-International Center
101 W. College Blvd.
Roswell, NM 88201
Fax: (575) 624-8058

Cadet with mom on campus

Step 3: Submit standardized test scores

International High School applicants should submit an English proficiency test result or an SSAT scores (School Code: 5309) to NMMI.

International Junior College students must submit an English proficiency test result. For more information regarding International students, please contact the Global Enrollment & Marketing Director LTC Cristhina Starke.

Cadets in the classroom taking a test

Step 4: Submit Questionnaire

Please fill out the Prospective Cadet Questionnaire and submit the form to the Office of Admissions.

Cadet walking on campus

Step 5: Interview vs Visit

Just call us at 575-624-8371 or 575-624-8047 to schedule a visit or for more information. We’d be happy to set up a zoom call to review opportunities at NMMI. An on site visit is not required for International Applicants.

New Mexico Military Institute Campus

Step 5: Submit all required documentation

Physical Examination – You may download our Physical Examination form and have you physician complete it. All cadets are required to participate in certain physical activities (e.g. marching in parade formation with a rifle, running the obstacle course, close order drill and intramural athletics), all considered essential to the traditions of a military school. US military personnel may submit MEPS or DoDMERB in lieu of the NMMI Physical.

Health and Consent Form – Download the Health and Consent form and make sure you to sign the form. If the applicant is under 18 years of age a parent or guardian must sign.

Immunization Records – New Mexico state law requires that all immunizations are up-to-date and on file prior to enrollment. We also accept immunization records which are printed on your official transcript.

Birth Certificate – Please provide a copy of the applicant’s official birth certificate.

Passport – Please submit a copy of the identification page of the passport.

Proof of Medical Insurance Coverage – Proof of International Medical Insurance.

Once we receive your application and the paperwork noted above we will review your file, make our admission decision and notify you of the outcome.

Our costs are available here. Please review the cost sheet and click here to set up a payment plan prior to matriculation.

Have more questions? Visit our frequently asked questions or contact us at  (575) 624-8653 8047 or email


“We looked at several schools, but when we found NMMI – we knew it was perfect. Our son Simen tells us this is the best decision of his life. He loves the structure on campus – always knowing what is expected of him and what to do to succeed. We are so proud of our son and thankful to NMMI for taking so good care of him and us.”

Global Enrollment Staff

LTC Cristhina Starke

LTC Cristhina Starke

Global Enrollment & Marketing Director
Fallyn Muncy

Fallyn Muncy

Assistant Director of Global Enrollment
Rosie Barrientos

Rosie Barrientos

Global Enrollment Quality Coordinator
Laura Trueman

Laura Trueman

Administrative Assistant - Global Enrollment
Monica Renteria

Monica Renteria

Global Enrollment Support Recruiter III
Yajayra Castillo

Yajayra Castillo

Global Enrollment Counselor/Recruiter II
Brittany Villegas

Brittany Villegas

Global Enrollment Counselor/Recruiter II
Rebeca Daolio

Rebeca Daolio

Global Enrollment Recruiter I
Leticia Gracia

Leticia Gracia

Global Enrollment Student Support Specialist