NMMI Archives

NMMI Archives

About The Archives

The mission of the New Mexico Military Institute Archives is to collect, preserve, arrange, and make available for research purposes historical materials documenting the intellectual, cultural, administrative, and social life of New Mexico Military Institute from its founding in 1891 to the present. The holdings include administrative records; selected manuscripts and publications; photographs; maps and architectural drawings; and oral histories, memorabilia, and scrapbooks. Archives materials are available for use by cadets, faculty, and staff, and by other researchers upon request.

Hours And Visitor Information

Regular Hours

7 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday

Appointments are strongly recommended for out-of-town visitors, since we have a small staff and on rare occasions have unexpected changes in our hours. Simply call or email a few days in advance of your visit to confirm our hours and to give us information about your research topic so that we can have material ready for you.

Location and Directions

The Archives is located in the Paul Horgan Library in Toles Learning Center. Visitors will need a visitor pass, available at the Command Post in Hagerman Barracks. After you enter the building, stop at the Circulation Desk and staff will direct you to the Archives.

NMMI Digital Collection

Our large and growing collection of online digital resources are available at the NMMI Digital Archives Collection. Hundreds of items from our unique holdings are permanently available for online viewing. New material is added periodically.


MAJ Nicole Katz

Librarian & Archivist

NMMI Heritage

NMMI Historical Timeline

Donation Of Materials

The New Mexico Military Institute Archives is looking for documents relating to the Institute’s history.

Particularly desirable items include: 

  • Administrative records
  • Selected manuscripts and publications
  • Selected photographs
  • Selected video and audio tapes
  • Selected maps, blueprints and architectural drawings
  • Selected pamphlets and posters
  • Selected oral histories, letters, diaries, memorabilia and scrapbooks

If you are interested in donating NMMI-related organizational records or personal materials, please contact the Archivist, MAJ Nicole Katz. Items donated to the Archives will be examined for archival merit by the Archivist before being accepted into the collection.

The NMMI Archives requests that all materials donated be accompanied with the following:

  • A Deed of Gift
  • A general description of the contents and their approximate dates
  • Photographs should be donated with information identifying their content, as well as with approximate dates and any copyright or reproduction restrictions.


Deposits/loans of materials are generally not accepted. wherein ownership of materials lies with the depositor. The Archives will also not accept collections permanently closed to users.

Donated materials receive the environmental and security protections accorded to all NMMI Archives collections, but may receive a minimal level of processing.

For more information see The Society of American Archivists’ Guide to Donating Your Papers.

Guidelines for Transferring Records to the Archives

The Institute Archives serves as the institutional memory of NMMI by preserving a variety of records and materials. When allowed to accumulate in closets, basements, and corners, records are inaccessible and can easily be lost or destroyed. But, if records of permanent historical, administrative, fiscal and/or legal value are transferred in an orderly way, the Institute Archives can provide safe storage, quick retrieval of files when needed, and assistance with information or research requests. Other advantages to offices and departments transferring records include reduced need for storage space, less time spent on servicing non-current/inactive files, and lower supply and equipment costs.

For Physical Records: 

Step 1: Determine if your records are inactive/non-current and permanent by reviewing the New Mexico Functional Records Retention and Disposition Schedules with a retention of “Transfer to Archives.” You may also refer to this easy-to-use list which details permanent records information. Do not send active records your department still regularly references.

Step 2: Arrange files in boxes in the order in which they were arranged in your file drawers.

Step 3: Inventory each box for its series or file titles. Include dates and correct information of material (papers, compact discs etc.) Mark if restricted access. Do not overfill boxes.

Step 4: Insert one copy of the inventory in the first box and retain one copy for your files.

Step 5: Notify the Archives, either by phone or email, that there are records needing to be transferred and then place a work order with Facilities to have boxes move to the Archives.

For Electronic Records:

To arrange for transfer of electronic records to the Archives, email the Archivist for instructions or call at 575-624-8382. After you have successfully transferred your records, please let the Archivist know so the files can be moved from their temporary location to a permanent preservation repository.

Desirable records include but are not limited to:

Do transfer:

  • Primary papers of the President, Provost, Vice-Presidents, and Deans’ offices.
  • Departmental publications: newsletters, newspaper, yearbooks, literary magazines, brochures, posters, and course syllabi.
  • Correspondence pertaining to major events in the history of your department or office.
  • Photographs, slides, films, audio or video tapes.
  • Faculty, staff, alumni and student publications: authored monographs, reprints, offprints, honors theses.
  • Annual and administrative reports (President’s and Deans’ Offices).
  • Budgets and Expenditures
  • Minutes: Trustee, faculty, committee, and department meetings.
  • Student organization records: minutes, publications, and photographs.
  • Building records, blueprints, and photographs.

    Do not transfer:

  • Active records: while records are still needed for regular consultation, it is more convenient for the staff of both the originating office and the Archives if they remain in the possession of the former
  • Student records: check with the Registrar’s Office for their policies on retention, destruction or transfer;
  • Personnel records: check with the Human Resources for their policies on retention, destruction or transfer;
  • Multiple copies: two (2) copies of most items is sufficient
  • General office management files
  • Blank forms.

If you have any additional questions, please contact the Institute Archivist.