IPA 7th Grade Faculty

Amy Everitt

Amy Everitt

IPA Faculty - English

“Amy Everitt teaches seventh-grade English. Amy holds a Bachelor’s in English from the University of New Mexico. She has taught English for ten years. Prior to this, she was a grant writer and did corporate compliance work. Amy believes that learning how to write and read effectively is the best way to open doors and find connections across the world. She lives with two dogs, a cat, and many hundreds of books. She enjoys traveling, especially when it involves new foods and natural wonders.”

Abel Jauregui

Abel Jauregui

IPA Faculty - Science

“Abel Jauregui teaches seventh-grade Science. Abel studied Physics at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology (NM Tech), receiving his Bachelor’s in science with Honors. He has researched the effects of radiation on electronic components and Micro-Electrical Mechanical energy scavenging devices. His hobbies include coaching Basketball and Track and Field.”

Amanda King

Amanda King

IPA Faculty - History

“Amanda King is the seventh-grade History teacher at the IPA. She holds a Master’s degree in History from the University of Colorado and a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Agnes Scott College. Ms. King is in her second year at the IPA after teaching in secondary and post-secondary institutions in New Mexico, Colorado, and Cameroon Africa.  Outside of the IPA you will find her watching soccer, exploring New Mexico and beyond, and spending time with family and friends, always with a good book or two in her bag. She also enjoys pointing out cows as she drives by.”

Meagan McCornack

Meagan McCornack

IPA Faculty - Mathematics

“Meagan McCornack teaches seventh-grade math and Pre-Algebra. Mrs. McCornack reports that she is thrilled to be joining the IPA team again. As an experienced middle school Math and Science teacher, she is excited to teach seventh grade math this year. What she loves most about IPA is the opportunity to help shape the leaders of tomorrow. She finds working with middle schoolers to be a rewarding experience and is excited to share her passion for learning with them.”