The Power of Learning

Excellence in learning is the foundation of the New Mexico Military Institute (NMMI). Our challenging 6th, 7th, & 8th grade academic programs paired with our diverse student body and military structure provide a rich environment for personal growth. We focus on the whole person to build tomorrow’s leaders. Learn more about the academics at NMMI!


IPA curriculum features interdisciplinary experiences of learning in all courses so that students have a comprehensive and integrated education. This makes evident to students the connectedness of learning. The school’s curriculum inspires a love of learning by promoting curiosity and encouraged involved, hands-on experience while also developing and nurturing foundations in learning.

Core Classes

To support the high school math program, a traditional math program is taught throughout their middle-school education with a prioritization of involved, hands-on learning. Mini-units could include computer science and coding. Students can advance into Pre-Algebra in 7th grade and Algebra in 8th grade.

Hands-on experiences and labs are prioritized as students learn earth and environmental sciences, biology, chemistry, and mini-units within each semester will examine physics, computer sciences, engineering, animal sciences, and cosmology. Science curriculum prioritizes active, involved learning and will foster curiosity by nurturing inquiry and investigation. Science courses should have access to cutting-edge technology in order to demonstrate the immediate utility of learning (problem solving and community involvement).

English-curriculum focuses on establishing reading skills, allows students the opportunity to read full-length novels, plays, epic poems, and enables the students to gain knowledge of historical, cultural, and aesthetic movements. Students receive a grounding in mythology during their 6th grade year as part of the curriculum in order to benefit more profoundly from their readings in the upper levels (that referentially draw upon mythology). English classes develop writing skills through involved projects, such as writing a literary magazine, service learning projects aimed at aiding the community, as well honing polished prose (essay and speeches) and creative writing.

To gain a grounding in world history that will serve student learning across disciplines, social studies curriculum focuses on the following: antiquity in western and eastern civilization, medieval and enlightenment histories in Western Civilization, social contract and government, geography, and civic discourse. Speech memorization, speech writing and argumentation practices that encourage synthesis between social studies and English courses. Likewise, understanding the scientific revolution in the enlightenment and the expansion of science generally from a historic point of view allows for greater understanding of movements in scientific thought.

To support language acquisition in upper-level learning, comprehension of grammar, and an expansive vocabulary, Latin is required at all grade levels. Mini-units within Latin classes focus on derivatives, declension and its connection to English grammar.

Curriculum involving military leadership training, deportment, ethics, and corps-style activities. Training focuses on positive growth of character and training in the virtues. Leadership classes are held twice per week and introduces students to military concepts appropriate to the age group and appropriate to cultivating interest in a military school environment (without taking on training/punitive measures that would not be appropriate for this age group). However, every single class on the campus incorporates leadership concepts/curriculum into programming.

Physical activities with focus on life-long wellness/bodily health/mental health. This encourages activities that make the IPA very unique: archery, marksmanship, survival skills, etiquette, lacrosse, pickleball, ballroom dance, fencing, etc.


Immersive course experiences (sessions will be 2-3 weeks in length) that allow students to gain an intensive, meaningful, hands-on experience in a particular subject area. Intensives allow students to have on-campus and off-campus learning (field trips!) and could involve older cadets as learning mentors to younger students. Examples of intensives:

-Digital Literacy: Coding
-Geological Discoveries
-Botany & Seed Modification
-Economics & Financial Literacy (markets)
-Community Writing (a mode of service learning) for Non-Profits
-Poetry & Nature Studies
-Art Studio & Local Artisans
-Socratic Sessions: Philosophy and Platonic Discourses
-Animal Studies

Example Schedules By Year


Environmental Science

English: Mythology and Epic Poetry

Social Studies: Western Antiquity

Latin 1

PE & Wellness

Math 1

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music



Geological Science

English: Mythology and Epic Poetry

Social Studies: Eastern Antiquity

Latin 1

PE & Wellness

Math 1

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music



Chemistry Chemistry

English: Drama (Tragedy and Comedy)

Social Studies: Medieval and Enlightenment Periods/Geography

Latin 2

PE & Wellness

Math 2/Pre-Algebra

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music




English: Drama (Tragedy and Comedy)

Social Studies: Medieval and Enlightenment Periods/Geography

Latin 2

PE & Wellness

Math 2/Pre-Algebra

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music



Biological Sciences

English: Rhetoric (Essayists and Historical Non-Fiction)

Social Studies: Civics/Government

Latin 3

PE & Wellness

Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music



Biological Sciences

English: Rhetoric (Essayists and Historical Non-Fiction)

Social Studies: NM history

Latin 3

PE & Wellness

Pre-Algebra/Algebra 1

Fine Arts/Performing Arts/Music


2024-2025 Supply List

Uniform Order

Uniforms can be purchased in-person for $10 each or online for $12 each.