IPA provides an option for students and families seeking highly challenging academics in a structured environment. The IPA admissions process gives applicants the opportunity to demonstrate their readiness to commit to the demands of IPA’s challenging program and their willingness to do their part to maintain our focused learning environment.
The IPA admissions matrix considers five categories, each scored on a scale of 1 to 5 points. These categories are:
- the elementary school GPA,
- a mathematics admissions test,
- a reading admissions test,
- an interview,
- and a consideration of activities or special abilities.
Additionally, the matrix includes a legacy consideration for applicants with a family member who was a Cadet at NMMI.
For admission based on the matrix, applicants must meet minimum standards in key categories as well as earning a minimum overall score of 15 matrix points. Students not admitted based on the matrix may under some circumstances be admitted through a waiver process.
As a part of NMMI, IPA is governed by a Board of Regents appointed by the Governor of the State of New Mexico. To read IPA’s Board-approved admissions policy in full, click here.
To learn more about the admissions process and to apply, click here.