NMMI Tour Of UNM Paramedic Training Facility
High school cadets Agustin Leisher, Enzi Karuho, Taiki Praspertphon, Anaya Rodolfo, Jonas Pope, Major Staci Saiz and Major Lynn Doherty toured the UNM Paramedic Training facility in Albuquerque.
They have purchased a $350,000 ambulance simulator. The ambulance was decommissioned in Canada and moved indoors to UNM. It is set up on hydraulics to mimic the feel and movement of an actual ambulance. There is a driving simulation to teach paramedics how to drive safely. The technology can also be used with Virtual Reality, so the students feel they arrive on an actual emergency situation.
The cadets mentioned above are interested in BioMedical engineering, Paramedic/FIRE classes, or Pre-Med classes.
Cadets learned a lot about EMS history, EMS training, and medical careers during the visit.